Distill your data

VAPOR is the Visualization and Analysis Platform for Ocean, Atmosphere, and Solar Researchers. It provides an interactive 3D visualization environment that can produce animations and still frame images.

       Learn about VAPOR

Input, analyze, plot

GeoCAT is the Geoscience Community Analysis Toolkit. It creates scalable data analysis and visualization tools for Earth system science data in the scientific Python ecosystem.

       Learn about GeoCAT

Aim to get answers

DART is the Data Assimilation Research Testbed. Its data assimilation capabilities provide a bridge between real-world data and a wide range of computational models, with a rigorous framework.

       Learn about DART

Study the Earth and skies, via our community-powered software.


NCAR partners with the community to create software specially designed to support Earth system science. This gives scientists the platform they need to expand our understanding of the Earth, the skies, the weather, the wind, the clouds.… and to change the world. NCAR software packages are freely available—and free of charge—thanks to NCAR’s longtime commitment to the computing and scientific community.

iCAS 2024

The biennial International Computing in the Atmospheric Sciences (iCAS) Symposium brings together an international group of center directors and specialists from the atmospheric and related geosciences communities to discuss advances in the ever-changing computing landscape and the unique challenges facing centers that focus on climate and weather research and forecasting.