Earth System Predictability Across Timescales... By Kristen Aponte, Christa Bell, Christopher A. Davis, et al.
Insights from Very-Large-Ensemble Data Assimilation... By sivareddy sanikommu, Naila Raboudi, Mohamad Gharamti, et al.
Pushing the Frontiers in Climate Modelling and... By Veronika Eyring, William D. Collins, Pierre Gentine, et al.
Innovations in Open Science (IOS) Planning Workshop: Community Expectations for a... By Matthew S. Mayernik, Douglas C. Schuster, and John P. Clyne
Build an accurate, multi-layered knowledge base via Data Assimilation Discover state-of-the-art ensemble data assimilation capabilities for the NSF NCAR community, including services, tutorials, and software.Assmilate Now
Accelerate computational and scientific breakthroughs with ASAP Learn how the ASAP group optimizes HPC for the Earth systems science community, by increasing compute efficiency and reducing data volume. Optimize HPC
Imagine a better world through AI and machine learning Learn how the MILES group is using AI and ML to forge greater social good by integrating AI/ML capabilities throughout Earth systems science. Think It Through
Share insights beautifully using Data Visualization techniques Find the meaning in big data, create interactive data visualizations that tell your story beautifully, and communicate your findings to the world. Visualize the Possibilities
Build a more accurate, multi-layered knowledge base via Data Assimilation Discover state-of-the-art ensemble data assimilation capabilities for the NSF NCAR community, including services, tutorials, and software. Assimilate Now