2019 Presentations
SIParCS interns in 2019 near the NCAR Mesa Lab in Boulder, Colorado.
Using Cloud-Friendly Data Format in Earth System Models
Weile Wei, Louisiana State University
Testing Machine Learning for Regional Climate Applications in the Pacific Northwest
Katrina Wheelan, Williams College
In-Situ Visualization for Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS)
Henry O'Meara, University of Wyoming
Porting CESM-MOM6 Ocean Model on to Multiple Architectures
G. Dylan Dickerson, University of Wyoming
Novel Database and Usage Analytics for the CESM2 Climate Model: First Steps to Tracking Configuration and Performance
Lolita Mannik, Regis University
Implementing an Observation Support System for Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART)
Jason Ngo, Haverford College
Analog Ensemble Probabilistic Forecasting Using Deep Generative Models
Behrooz Roozitalab, The University of Iowa
Towards Categorical Metadata for Unreduced Climate Observations
Colton Grainger, University of Colorado Boulder
Deploying File System Performance Metrics Through XSEDE Metrics on Demand (XDMoD)
Bailey Kleespies, Colorado Mesa University
Deploying File System Performance Metrics Through XSEDE Metrics on Demand (XDMoD)
Broday Walker, Midwestern State University
Using Augmented Reality to Engage People with Atmospheric Science News
Aashiq Shaikh, Arizona State University
Development of Interactive HPC Documentation
Thomas Hilton Johnson III, Elizabeth City State University
Testing Modernization of Scientific Software
Aly Ammar, Colorado State University
Computational and Information Systems Lab (CISL) Outreach, Development, and Education
Blake Lewis, Ball State University