2017 Presentations
SIParCS 2017 interns, outdoors near the NCAR Mesa Lab in Boulder.
"Supercomputing Infiniband Fabric Analysis"
Ananta Thapaliya, Claflin University
"Vectorizing and Parallelizing NCL Routines for Improved Performance"
Supreeth Suresh, University of Wyoming
"Supercomputer Infiniband Fabric Analysis"
Zhenzhen Liu, Stevens Institute of Technology
"Implementation of a Discontinuous Galerkin 3D Euler Solver on many-core CPUs and GPUs"
Pranay Reddy Kommera, University of Wyoming
"Portable Performance of Wavelet Compression Using Lifting Scheme"
Cuong Manh "Kevin" Nguyen, University of Mississippi
"Informing the Prediction of Compression Method and Level for Climate Models Using Variable Features"
Nicolas Rodriguez Jeangros, Colorado School of Mines
"Optimizing the Statistical Compression Method"
Yun Joon Soh, Stony Brook University-SUNY
"Facilitating Fortran and C Interoperability with the h2m-AutoFortran Tool"
Michelle Anderson, University of Minnesota
"CAPSTONE: Application Development Principles and Technologies"
Derrick Jackson, Jackson State University
"Capstone Microservices: Docker Application Deployment on the AWS Cloud"
Adrien Bizimana, Tennessee State University
"PySpark for "Big" Atmospheric and Oceanic Data Analysis"
Anderson Banihirwe, University of Arkansas-Little Rock
"Parallel implementation of the multiresolution approximation method"
Marcin Jurek, Texas A&M University
"Vertical Remapping and Energy Conservation in the Community Atmosphere Model, CAM"
Manuel Valera, San Diego State University/ Claremont Graduate University
"Improving HPC Scheduler Through Machine Learning and Statistics"
Hoang Nguyen, Messiah College