GPU computing workshops
To help the NCAR and university communities prepare to use the extensive GPU-computing capabilities of the new Derecho system, CISL is launching a series of workshops and tutorials on Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 10 a.m. Mountain time for scientists, software engineers, and students in the Earth system sciences.
The GPU series is for scientists, software engineers, and students in Earth system science.
The series of one-hour sessions will be held every two weeks through September 2022 using the Zoom meeting platform. They are intended for both new and more experienced GPU programmers and require familiarity with the UNIX shell; Fortran, C/C++, and/or Python; and typical program compilation workflows.
Topics for individual sessions are listed below, with links to pages that provide more detail about topics to be covered and about registration. Sessions will include dedicated Q&A time and some will involve interactive coding with participants. Participants are not required to attend all sessions.
By registering and attending, you agree to abide by the UCAR Code of Conduct.