SIParCS 2024 - Phuong Anh (Anh) Nguyen
Phuong Anh (Anh) Nguyen, Mount Holyoke College
Exploring NCAR's Campaign Store with Elasticsearch
NCAR Campaign Storage is a resource for medium-term storage of project data, typically for three to five years, by NCAR labs and universities. Because of its very large volume (120 pebibyte), it can be very difficult for scientists to find data of interest for their work. Our goal is to index certain curated directories inside of the Campaign Store and facilitate data searching for NCAR scientists. This summer, we continued the development of a Java-based web application that utilizes Elasticsearch, Kibana, and Spring Boot. We have enhanced the current software by adding new functionalities and improving the efficiency of existing ones. Some objectives completed include: application restart ability, increased media type update speed, extraction of some scientific metadata, and new Kibana reports with more insights into NCAR Campaign Storage.
Mentors: Nathan Hook, Jason Cunning, Eric Nienhouse
Slides and poster