Leveraging NSF NCAR storage for CU Boulder research data replication

Shaub, E., Armbruster, J., Baker, J., Earley, C., Elahi, I., et al. (2024). Leveraging NSF NCAR storage for CU Boulder research data replication.

Title Leveraging NSF NCAR storage for CU Boulder research data replication
Genre Conference Material
Author(s) Emma Shaub, J. Armbruster, Jared Baker, C. Earley, Irfan Elahi, B. Welker, William D. Anderson
Abstract The University of Colorado Boulder Research Computing (CURC) and NSF NCAR established a partnership for offsite backup and disaster recovery of CURC's PetaLibrary data. Key aspects include data replication from CURC to NCAR's storage using rclone and scripts, with security measures like encryption and access controls. Future work involves improving network performance, disaster recovery testing, exploring additional geo-replication sites, and secondary storage options for time-sensitive data.
Publication Title
Publication Date May 22, 2024
Publisher's Version of Record
OpenSky Citable URL https://n2t.org/ark:/85065/d75143g2
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