iCAS Symposium 2019
International Computing in the Atmospheric Sciences
9:00 am – 4:00 pm MDT
Machine learning, CMIP6 take the iCAS stage
More than 50 attendees from around the world heard about machine learning efforts and CMIP6 progress at sites worldwide at the 2019 International Computing in the Atmospheric Sciences (iCAS) symposium, September 8-12, in Stresa, Italy.
The symposium’s themes included machine learning, CMIP6, storage and computing in the cloud, and new technologies, but machine learning permeated many presentations. From Richard Gerber’s discussion on Monday of the machine learning use cases to be served by the Perlmutter system being acquired by the US Department of Energy’s National Energy Research Supercomputing Center (NERSC) to Niall Robinson’s Thursday talk on machine learning at the UK Met Office, machine learning is clearly on the rise at centers around the world.
Attendees also learned about the technical, philosophical, and data management challenges related to the construction and operations of the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) in a Wednesday keynote by Alisdair Davey, Data Center Scientist for the DKIST project at the US National Solar Observatory.
The iCAS symposium strives to bring together an international group of center directors and specialists from the atmospheric and related geosciences communities to discuss advances in the ever changing computing landscape.
Anke Kamrath & David Hart
iCAS 2019
Please see each day for specific information
3:00-5:00pm Early Registration
5:00-7:00pm Welcome Reception
9:00am Welcome Coffee
9:45am Opening Remarks/Anke Kamrath
10:00am "Present State and Future of Computing at ECMWF"
Martin Palkovič
10:30am Break
11:00am "NERSC 9: A Pre-Exacscale System for Simulation, Data, and Learning"
Richard Gerber
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
11:30am Vendor- Cray
"Cray's Vision for converged architectures and emerging HPC technologies"
Ilene Carpenter
12:00pm Lunch
1:30pm Vendor- PGI
"PGI Compiler Assisted Software Testing"
Dave Norton
2:00pm "Applying Data Analytics and Machine Learning to Storage Systems to Help Meet Organizational Goals"
Bill Anderson
2:30pm "The New Innovation Game: Rebooting Infrastructure for more productive Climate, Weather, Earth, and Environmental Systems Research"
Ben Evans
National Computational Infrastructure (Australia)
3:00pm Break
3:30pm "Data Assimilation using the US National Water Model: Application to Hurricane Florence"
Moha el Gharamti
4:00pm "Pangeo: The quest to give scientists back their flow"
Niall Robinson
UK Met Office Informatics Lab
4:30pm "Climate modeling workflow at IPSL: Producing (a lot of) CMIP6 simulations and making sense of them"
Sébastien Denvil
Institute Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL)
5:00pm Reception
8:00am Welcome Coffee
9:00am "NCAR's CMIP6 Efforts"
Sheri Mickelson
9:30am "Ultra-high resolution supercell simluations visualized with Vapor 3"
Leigh Orf
University of Wisconsin
10:00am "How to use deep learning in weather and climate models"
Peter Dueben
European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts
10:30am Break
11:00am Vendor-Mellanox
"InfiniBand In-Network Computing Technology for Compute Intensive Applications"
Richard Graham
11:30am "Accelerating Improvements cycle in the climate
modeling enterprise"
Antonio Navarra
Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change (CMCC)
12:00pm "Status of climate prediction and future challenges"
François Counillon
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
12:30pm Afternoon off
2:00pm Bus leaves for Lake Orta Excursion
~4 hour excursion
8:00am Welcome Coffee
9:00am "The Daniel K. Inoue Solar Telescope (DKIST): A Next Generation Ground Based Solar Telescope"
Alisdair Davey
National Solar Observatory
10:00am "Machine Learning and Data Driven HPC at NCAR: Strategy and State of Play"
Rich Loft
10:30am Break
11:00am "CMIP6 data infrastructure at DKRZ"
Stephan Kindermann
German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ)
11:30am Vendor- ARM
"Applications performance on Arm HPC architecture"
Phil Ridley
12:00pm Lunch
1:30pm Vendor- NVIDIA
"GPU Benefits for Applications in Weather and Climate"
Stan Posey and David Hall
2:00pm "Evolving HPC and application design toward a couple data assimilation system at NASA suitable for emerging Exascale platforms"
William Putman
2:30pm "ESiWACE, the Center of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe"
Joachim Biercamp
3:00pm Break
3:30pm Vendor- Intel
“Insight into Intel innovations that will bring enhancement for HPC applications”
Andrea Luiselli
4:00pm "Insights into Cloud Technologies and Machine Learning for Scientific Data"
Sara Graves
University of Alabama, Huntsville
4:30pm "Toward Global Mesoscale Climate Prediction"
James Kinter
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
5:00pm Adjourn until Banquet
7:00pm Banquet
8:00am Welcome Coffee
9:00am "Machine Learning at the Met Office"
Niall Robinson
UK Met Office Informatics Lab
9:30am "E3SM Data Management and Publication"
Rick Wagner
10:00am "The Future of Scientific Observation: Artificial
Intelligence at the Edge"
Pete Beckman
Argonne National Laboratory
10:30am Break
11:00am "NCAR Plan for Science at Scale"
Jeff de La Beaujardiere
11:30am "New Frontiers in CI and Computing for Climate and Weather Applications and How They Relate to the NSF Ten Big Ideas"
Subashree Mishra
U.S. National Science Foundation
12:00pm Lunch
1:30pm "The Current Status of High Performance Computing and CMIP6 at CMA"
Dr. Wang Bin
National Meteorological Information Centre, CMA
2:00pm "NCAR's Next Procurement: Meeting User's Reliability and Storage Demands"
David Hart
2:30pm "Preliminary Study Result of Purpose Build Computing for Weather and Climate Models"
Tsengdar Lee
3:00pm Concluding Remarks/Anke Kamrath
3:30pm Farewell Reception
The following participated in iCAS2019.
For additional contact information please contact either Kristi Hartsock or Joan Fisher
Adamidis, Panagiotis
DKRZ / German Climate Computing Center
Andersen, Aaron
Anderson, Bill
Beckman, Pete
Argonne National Laboratory
Bin, Wang
National Meteorological Information Center
Carpenter, Ilene
Clune, Thomas
Counillon, Francois
NERSC / University of Bergen
Davey, Alisdair
National Solar Observatory
de La Beaujardiere, Jeff
Denvil, Sebastien
Dueben, Peter
Duffy, Daniel
Evans, Ben
NCI Australia
Fisher, Joan
Gerber, Richard
NERSC / Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Graham, Richard
Mellanox Technologies
Graves, Sara
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Hall, David
Hart, David
Hartsock, Kristi
Inoue, Takahiro
Kamrath, Anke
Kindermann, Dr. Stephan
Deutsche Klimarechenzentrum GmbH
Kinter, Jim
COLA / George Mason University
Kotamarthi, Veerabhadra Rao
Argonne National Laboratory
Lee, Tsengdar
Li, Heng
Tsinghua University
Loft, Dr. Richard
Ludwig, Thomas
German Climate Computing Center
Mishra, Subhashree
Norton, Dave
Orf, Leigh
University of Wisconsin, Madison / SSEC
Palkovic, Martin
Posey, Stan
Putman, William
Ramos, Bonnie
Alliance Technology
Robinson, Niall
Met Office
Rosenbloom, Nan
Saarinen, Sami
Wagner, Rick
Weger, Isabella
WU, Huanping
National Climate Center / CMA
ZUO, Haojia
Tsinghua University
Participant Code of Conduct
iCAS 2019 Symposium — Stresa, Italy — 8–12 Sept. 2019
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● David Hart (dhart@ucar.edu; c: +1 858-335-5888)
● Joan Fisher (jfish@ucar.edu; c: +1 303-931-8071)
● Kristi Hartsock (hartsock@ucar.edu; c: +1 814-571-2233)
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- Lameece Erwin (lerwin@ucar.edu, w: 303-497-8711) or Neil Barker (nbarker@ucar.edu, w: 303-497-8721) in UCAR’s Human Resources Department;
- Carolyn Brinkworth (carolyn@ucar.edu; w: 303-497-1670; c: 720-619-1459), Kristen Luna-Aponte (kaponte@ucar.edu; w: 303-497-1657), or Katy Putsavage (putsavag@ucar.edu; w: 303-497-8844), in UCAR’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; or
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