AMS Town Hall - NSF NCAR’s Advanced Computing, Data Services, Software and Educational Resources for Earth System Science
**Please note that the time (12:15-1:15) will be Central Standard Time**
12:15 – 1:15 pm MST
NSF NCAR provides world-class cyberinfrastructure supporting Earth system science. Each year, NSF NCAR provides computing resources, services, and support to over 1,500 users at over 500 U.S. universities and research institutions. As part of NSF NCAR’s mission, data services, community software tools, and other products and resources are provided at no cost to tens of thousands of researchers worldwide. We invite you to join us for a Town Hall that will highlight some of the most exciting new developments in NSF NCAR cyberinfrastructure for empowering earth system science. We will provide high-level overviews, plans for future directions, links for more detailed information, and we graciously ask for feedback from the earth system science community.
****Box lunches will be provided for the first 50 in-person attendees; funding for these lunches is sponsored directly by Alliance, NVIDIA, and HPE****
Link to AMS Agency Update event
Session Type: Hybrid
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