iCAS 2024


All times in Stresa, Italy, local time.

Abstracts for all presentations for iCAS 2024 are available in the PDF file (above).



September 8, 2024

Check-In and On-Site Registration (Hotel Lobby)

Welcome Reception (poolside)


September 9, 2024

Morning Coffee

Opening Remarks and Logistics

Thomas Hauser, Everette Joseph, and David Hart (NSF NCAR)


The technology that deletes photobombs can do climate research? The chat bot that writes poetry can do climate analysis? Future of Data Analysis

Christopher Kadow, DKRZ

A.M. Break

From Reading to Bologna, from 18-km to 9-km ensemble, from IFS to AIFS

Martin Palkovic, ECMWF

Challenges and Opportunities Represented by Computational Modeling and AI/ML Workloads

Tsengdar Lee, Laura Carriere, Dan Duffy, NASA


Optimizing compute-intensive weather kernels on AMD GPUs

Paul Mullowney, AMD

Climate-resilient snowpack estimation with machine learning

Marianne Cowherd, University of California, Berkeley

DART: 20 Years of Collaboration for Advancing Earth System Science

Marlee Smith, NSF NCAR

P.M. Break


Performance, portability and productivity for climate and weather codes in the age of accelerators: pipe dream or realistic ambition?

Moderator: John Clyne (NSF NCAR)

Panelists: Claudia Frauen (DKRZ), Aaron Donahue (LLNL), Dipankar Anurag (ETH Zurich), Sergi Siso (UK Science and Technology Facilities Council)

Talks End

Monday Reception


September 10, 2024

Morning Coffee

Rapid emergence and applications of AI/ML at NCI in the Earth System Sciences

Ben Evans, NCI Australia

Efficient resource usage for large-scale earth system model simulations on heterogeneous hardware

Jan Frederik Engels and Claudia Frauen, German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ)

NVIDIA Directions in Energy Efficient HPC for Driving Earth Digital Twins

Stan Posey, NVIDIA

A.M. Break


International collaboration towards sustainability in weather and climate modelling

Moderator: Michele Weiland (EPCC)

Panelists: Thomas Hauser (NSF NCAR), Mark Parsons (EPCC), Tiago Quintino (ECMWF) and Ilene Carpenter (HPE)

Talks end and Lunch

Afternoon excursion to Rocca di Angera (optional - must have registered for the excursion to attend)

• 14h00 meeting in the lobby Hotel Bristol with English guide
• 14h15 n. 2 private bus 30 seater for the excursion
• 15h00 arrival at Rocca Borromeo and visit – about 2 hrs
• 17h00 free time to purchase food /drinks at guests own costs at Belvedere Cafeteria
• 17h30 departure from Rocca back to hotel – arrival 18h15


September 11, 2024

Morning Coffee

Asynchronous IO and optimized data compression workflow

Haiying Xu, NSF NCAR


Ease of use for complex Earth System Science workflows

Moderator: Thomas Hauser (NSF NCAR)

Panelists: Chris Kadow (DKRZ), Rich Lawrence (UK Met Office), Tiago Quintino (ECMWF), Doug Schuster (NSF NCAR)

A.M. Break

Pivoting to NSF NCAR’s Next Generation Geoscience Data Exchange, Integrated Research Data Commons

Doug Schuster, NSF NCAR

GT4Py: A Python Framework for the Development of High-Performance Weather and Climate Applications

Hannes Vogt, CSCS (ETH Zurich)


Diversity, Heterogeneity and Collaboration amidst Divergence

Ilene Locker Carpenter, HPE

Weather Prediction with ICON on GPUs

Marek Jacob, German Weather Service (DWD)

Towards accelerated computing in a Python framework

Anurag Dipankar, ETH Zürich

P.M. Break

Enhancing Numerical Weather and Environmental Prediction products with AI

Laurent Chardon, Environment and Climate Change Canada


Climate modeling at Exascale: Status, Challenges and Collaboration Opportunities

Moderator: Aaron Donahue (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Panelists: Hisashi Yashiro, (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan), Tiago Quintino (ECMWF, Italy), Aaron Donahue (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), and Anurag Dipankar (ETH Zürich)

Talks end

Banquet Dinner at Ristorante Casa Bella - Isola dei Pescatori


September 12, 2024

Morning Coffee


Challenges and Opportunities from AI workflows at HPC Centers

Moderator: Thomas Hauser (NSF NCAR)

Panelists: Ben Evans (NCI), Tsengdar Lee (NASA), Martin Palkovic (ECMWF), Charles Schwartz (Shared Services Canada)

All data everywhere all at once

Richard Lawrence, The Met Office

A.M. Break

Supporting an Evolving HPC Community at NCAR

Rory Kelly, NSF NCAR

Future of Canada’s Hydrometeorological Supercomputing Service

Charles Schwartz, Shared Services Canada

Concluding Remarks and Lunch

End of Conference