iCAS 2022
Check-In and On-Site Registration (Hotel Lobby)
Welcome Reception (poolside)
Morning Coffee
Opening Remarks and Logistics
Evolving the HPC Facility
Michael Papka, ANL
A.M. Break
Levante: The Next Generation System at DKRZ
Thomas Ludwig, DKRZ
Energy Efficiency and High Performance Computing (A Decade of Experience and a Five-Year Look Ahead)
Aaron Anderson, NREL
HPC for Meteorology in the Exascale Era: A view from HPE
Ilene Carpenter, HPE
HPC Future Directions and Work Force Needs at NASA Earth Science Division
Tsengdar Lee, NASA
Moving the Dial: Attempting to Change the Demographic Diversity of NCAR’s HPC User Community
Dave Hart, NCAR
P.M. Break
Open Discussion: HPC Facilities and Workforce Issues
Talks End
Monday Reception
Morning Coffee
ICON-Sapphire: simulating the components of the Earth System and their interactions at kilometer and subkilometer scales.
Cathy Hohenegger, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Preparing the ICON Earth-System Model for the Exascale Era
Hendryk Bockelmann, DKRZ - Applications
Marek Jacob, DWD
A.M. Break
ESiWACE: Excellence in simulation of climate and weather in Europe
Joachim Biercamp, DKRZ
How domain-specific languages in Python can bridge the software productivity gap in weather and climate science: Demonstration with the SHiELD Atmospheric Model
Tobias Wicky, Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2)
Lunch until 1:30pm
Afternoon excursion to Lago d'Orta (optional - must have registered for the excursion to attend)
2:00pm (14h00) Meeting in hotel lobby.
2:15pm (14h15) private bus for the excursion.
3:00pm (15h00) Train from bus parking to the centre of Orta.
3:30pm (15h30) private boat to St.Giulio island.
5:00pm (17h00) Return by train and bus.
6:00pm (18h00) (approx) Arrive hotel Bristol.
Morning Coffee
Advanced Visualization Infrastructure for Scientific Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery
Kenny Gruchalla, NREL
NCAR's Pivot to Python
John Clyne, NCAR
Pangeo: An open, inclusive, reproducible and scalable Geoscience data analytic community
Anne Claire Mireille Fouilloux, University of Oslo
A.M. Break
Workflow concepts meeting the evolving challenges of climate research data handling
Karsten Peters, DKRZ - Data Management
Addressing the FLOPS to IOPS gap with Python based in-situ processing
Burlen Loring, LBL
Scientific Visualization using Omniverse
Niklas Röber, NVIDIA
Digital Twins and Optimization
Thomas Geenen, ECMWF
NVIDIA Progress with Earth-2 Digital Twin Initiative
Stan Posey, NVIDIA
P.M. Break
AMD technologies for accelerated computing
Daniele Piccarozzi, AMD
ROCm: An E2E SW solution for HPC & AI on accelerated platform
Mazda Sabony, AMD
Open Discussion: Software and Hardware
Talks End
Banquet Dinner at Ristorante Casa Bella - Isola dei Pescatori
7:00pm (19h00) Meet in Hotel lobby.
7:15pm (19h15) Boat to island.
7:30pm (19h30) Dinner.
10:00pm (22h00) Boat returns to Stresa.
Morning Coffee
The NCAR Geoscience Data Exchange: A Large-Capacity Repository for Open-Access Earth Science Data
J-F de La Beaujardière, NCAR
Achievement unlocked: Weather forecasting in the cloud
Richard Lawrence, UK Met Office
NCAR's Derecho supercomputer: Getting community codes ready for accelerated node architecture
Thomas Hauser, NCAR
A.M. Break
Open Discussion: The future of our computational environments
Concluding Remarks
End of Conference