ACOM 2021 - Simon Thomas
Simon Thomas, Bowdoin College
Development of the MusicBox user Interface
The MusicBox chemistry box model allows scientists to simulate chemical systems and conduct research with state-of-the-art modeling technologies. MusicBox was developed as a command line tool, inaccessible to many potential users who lack previous chemical modeling experience or are uncomfortable with running programs from the terminal.
This project aims to solve this problem with the development of MusicBox Interactive, a locally hosted web user interface for MusicBox. This interface allows users to configure, run, and analyze model results from their web browser. Additionally, the format of MusicBox Interactive as a Python-based local web server has allowed for flexible development and the inclusion of more advanced visualization tools. To facilitate communication and sharing of data, the interface also contains a set of features for exporting and importing compressed model configurations; users can upload a single configuration file and immediately run the model.
MusicBox Interactive provides access for a much broader range of users to the advanced modeling technology under-the-hood of the MusicBox model. We hope that an expanding group of scientists, professors, and students continue to find utility in MusicBox.
Mentor: Andrew Conley
Slides and Poster