Annual Reports

CISL Annual Report: FY2024

For NSF NCAR's Computational & Information Systems Lab, FY24 was marked by progress in cloud computing, a stylish website refresh, and productive collaborations—including with the University of Chicago on the NSF-backed Chameleon testbed. FY24 also marked a massively successful first year of service for new supercomputer Derecho.

CISL Annual Report: FY2023

In fiscal year 2023, CISL achieved many key landmarks, including the smooth launch of the long-awaited Derecho supercomputing system. CISL also made important strides in HPC and data science, showcasing its continued sector-wide leadership. Finally, following an international search, CISL ended FY23 with Thomas Hauser named as CISL Director.

CISL Annual Report: FY2022

The NCAR Computational & Information Systems Lab achieved a number of significant milestones in fiscal year 2022. In the process, CISL made noteworthy advances in high-performance computing, furthered its substantial progress in computational science research and development, and met key goals in enhancing data science and services.

CISL Annual Report: FY2021

The NCAR Computational & Information Systems Lab continued delivering world-class support to the Earth system science community in fiscal year 2021, planning for delivery of a new supercomputing system and making advances in data science and other areas despite the many challenges presented by the ongoing pandemic.

CISL Annual Report: FY2020

The NCAR Computational & Information Systems Lab achieved numerous goals in fiscal year 2020, which became especially challenging with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. Beginning in mid-March and through the end of the fiscal year, most staff members worked remotely from their usual environments in Boulder, Colorado, and Cheyenne, Wyoming. Despite significant changes in on-site schedules and procedures, CISL completed several important computing and data-storage upgrades while managing a major procurement.